Senin, 03 Januari 2011

Monas (National Monument)

About Monas
Monas (National monument) is an icon of Jakarta. Located in the downtown of Jakarta, a place of tourist and educational center that appeals to residents Jakarta.Monas always crowded of tourists to see thebeauty of the city from the top of Monas.

Monument was built in August 1959. The entire building was designed by Soedarsono, Frederich Silaban and Ir. Rooseno. On 17 August1961, the monument was inaugurated by President Soekarno. And opened to the public since July 12, 1975.While the urban forest park area around the monument formerly known as the FieldGambir. Then had changed its name several times into the Field Ikada, Merdeka Square, National Monument Square and then into Monument Park.

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